I have some xy coordinates as a SpatialPoints (points) object and have used them to extract temperature values at these locations from a RasterLayer (raster):
extract = extract(raster, points)
However several of the points are falling outside of the raster layer (i.e. not plotting on land) and I want to use the buffer argument to expand the radius around each point by 10000m -
extract2 = extract(raster, points, method="simple",buffer=10000, cellnumbers=TRUE)
This produces a "list" object i.e.-
cell value
591332 165
cell value
475809 NA
cell value
534127 NA
cell value
534127 NA
cell value
534127 NA
cell value
534127 NA
but I would like to create a dataframe where I have the raster values at the point locations (either NA or a temperature value) and the cell numbers so I can access the original xy coordinates for the cells of interest in the raster layer. How can I do this?
Here is a reproducible example from ?extract
# example data
r <- raster(ncol=36, nrow=18, crs='+proj=utm +zone=14 +datum=WGS84')
r[] <- 1:ncell(r)
xy <- cbind(x=-50, y=seq(-80, 80, by=20))
# extract
e <- extract(r, xy, buffer=10)
ee <- t(data.frame(e))
rownames(ee) <- NULL
data.frame(xy, ee)
The above works in many cases, but not around edges or with lon/lat data as there might be a varying number of cells. In such cases you might do:
e <- extract(r, xy, buffer=10)
m <- max(sapply(e, length))
x <- rep(NA, m)
ee <- t(sapply(e, function(y) {x[1:length(y)] <- y; x}))
data.frame(xy, ee)