The Matrix package defines a whole bunch of S4 methods for multiplying matrices, that are dispatched by the S4 generic functions %*%
, crossprod
, and tcrossprod
How do I import the "%*%" methods, for use in my own package? This piece of code fails when I run devtools::document()
#' @title my function
#' @description Does magic Matrix stuff
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom Matrix "%*%" Diagonal
myfun <- function(x, y){
x %*% Diagonal(x=y)
I want to make sure this function uses the sparse Matrix multiplication methods from the Matrix package if x is a sparse matrix. But when I run devtools::document()
I get the following error:
Updating mypackage documentation
Loading mypackage
Error: object ‘%*%’ is not exported by 'namespace:Matrix'
You should use @importMethodsFrom
and remove the quotes around the operator. You probably also want to export the function with @export
(you may already know this but it makes the answer more complete). The following works for me without error.
#' @title my function
#' @description Does magic Matrix stuff
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom Matrix Diagonal
#' @importMethodsFrom Matrix %*%
#' @export
myfun <- function(x, y){
x %*% Diagonal(x=y)