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Registering a custom element from a chrome extension

I have tried registering custom elements through native javascript and polymer from within a chrome extension with no luck. The issue is documented here.

Uncaught NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'registerElement' on 'Document': Registration failed for type 'polymer-element'. Elements cannot be registered from extensions.

I am looking for suggestions for using web components in an extension - has anyone done so? My instinct is to register these elements using standard html tags (div, etc...) on the shadow DOM for the time being until it is supported. Any suggestions?


  • It is indeed possible. But, a little hacky.

    Original Answer

    Here are the steps:

    • Native web components (no Polymer)
      NOTE: This requires the usage of the webcomponentsjs polyfill
      Chrome will prevent native registerElement from being executed within a chrome extension. To overcome it you need to prevent the usage of the native registerElement in favor of a simulated one (the polyfill).

    In webcomponents-lite.js Comment out the following code (and make this more elegant if you'd like:

    scope.hasNative = false; //Boolean(document.registerElement);

    And voila! the nativeregisterElement has now been replaced by the polyfill - which chrome does not prevent from using within an extension.

    • Polymer Web components
      You will need to perform the code listed in the step above and in addition, you will need to load polymer via the following code

        var link = document.createElement('link');
        link.setAttribute('rel', 'import');
        link.setAttribute('href', "link_to_your_polymer.html");
        link.onload = function() {
           // Execute polymer dependent code here

    UPDATE #1 - Improved solution

    After further investigation, I've learned that Polymer would not work in an extension when loaded dynamically. As a result, the above modifications are necessary. A simpler alternative to this is to load polymer into the head in your content script like this:

      function loadRes(res) {
        return new Promise(
          function(resolve, reject) {
            var link = document.createElement('link');
            link.setAttribute('rel', 'import');
            link.setAttribute('href', res);
            link.onload = function() {
      loadRes( chrome.extension.getURL("path_to_your_webcomponents-lite.js") ) // You may/may not need webcomponents.js here
        .then( loadRes( chrome.extension.getURL("path_to_your_polymer.html") ) )
        .then( loadRes( chrome.extension.getURL("path_to_your_custome_component") ) )
          // code that depends on web components 

    YOU MUST add the urls loaded by chrome.extension.getURL to the web_accessible_resources portion of your manifest.

    The above is necessary since polymer.html must be loaded through an html resource. Read Eric Bidelman's reply here

    Please note that you may not need the webcomponents polyfill loaded here if your component already loads them.