I wrote two queries to concat values with different conditions, the results of two queries should be same,but I couldn't get correct result with query2.The two queries are as follows:
SELECT group_concat(concat(concat(concat(concat(concat(f.NAME, ';') , sgk.NAME),' ') ,cc.operator),' ')) as res_string
FROM complex_check_anag cc,lnksinglechecktocomplexcheck lk,single_check_anag sgk,functionalci f ,lnkconfigurationitemtosinglecheck lkcg
WHERE cc.complex_check_id = lk.complex_check_id AND sgk.single_check_id = lk.single_check_id and f.id = lkcg.config_item_id
and sgk.single_check_id = lkcg.single_check_id and sgk.status = 'active' GROUP BY cc.NAME
with query1 I can get the following result:
MIL04DNS01;memory check and ,MIL04DNS01;cpu_check and
MIL04APPBOXIP01;cpu_check and ,MIL04APPBOXIP01;memory check and
Sito_Saturn_Secure;log in check and
SELECT group_concat(concat(concat(concat(concat(concat(f.NAME, ';') , sgk.NAME),' ') ,cc.operator),' ')) as res_string
FROM complex_check_anag cc,lnksinglechecktocomplexcheck lk,single_check_anag sgk,functionalci f ,lnkconfigurationitemtosinglecheck lkcg,comp_t_anag cmt
WHERE cc.complex_check_id = lk.complex_check_id AND sgk.single_check_id = lk.single_check_id and f.id = lkcg.config_item_id
and sgk.single_check_id = lkcg.single_check_id and sgk.status = 'active' and cc.complex_check_id <> cmt.comp_o_id GROUP BY sgk.NAME
with query2 I can get the following result:
MIL04DNS01;memory check and ,MIL04DNS01;cpu_check and ,MIL04DNS01;memory check and ,MIL04DNS01;cpu_check and ,MIL04DNS01;memory check and ,MIL04DNS01;cpu_check and
MIL04APPBOXIP01;cpu_check and ,MIL04APPBOXIP01;memory check and ,MIL04APPBOXIP01;cpu_check and ,MIL04APPBOXIP01;memory check and ,MIL04APPBOXIP01;cpu_check and ,MIL04APPBOXIP01;memory check and
Sito_Saturn_Secure;log in check and ,Sito_Saturn_Secure;log in check and ,Sito_Saturn_Secure;log in check and and ,MIL04DNS01;memory check and ,MIL04APPBOXIP01;memory check and
could you give me some suffestions to modify the query2 to get the same result with query1 ?...Thanks a lot .
Here are some suggestion to you:
function accept as many parameters as you wish, so you don't need to concat(concat(concat...
You should never use FROM tbl1,tbl2,tbl3...
when JOIN
tables. It should be clearly set by LEFT JOIN
with ON
Here my guess how your query should be like. But I have some problems to understand how last table comp_t_anag cmt
must be joined. I don't see real key to join that table. And I did LEFT JOIN
for all tables, maybe you need INNER
somewhere, so you can play with that.
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(f.NAME, ';', sgk.NAME,' ',cc.operator,' ')) as res_string FROM complex_check_anag cc LEFT JOIN lnksinglechecktocomplexcheck lk ON cc.complex_check_id = lk.complex_check_id LEFT JOIN single_check_anag sgk ON sgk.single_check_id = lk.single_check_id AND sgk.status = 'active' LEFT JOIN lnkconfigurationitemtosinglecheck lkcg ON sgk.single_check_id = lkcg.single_check_id LEFT JOIN functionalci f ON f.id = lkcg.config_item_id LEFT JOIN comp_t_anag cmt ON cc.complex_check_id <> cmt.comp_o_id GROUP BY sgk.NAME