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Speed up Build-Process of WiX-Installer

For my Wix project I am harvesting 4 directories, via the pre-build-event of visual studio, which will result in about 160mb of data, and about 220 files, but the build process tooks very long.

How can i speed that process up? I have one embedded file which will hold all the files. Is it the size or the amount of files that will slow the process down? Or is it the harvesting with the heat tool in the pre-build-event? Would it be faster with the HeatDirectory element?

Anyone made some experience with speeding this up?


  • WiX Help File: How To: Optimize build speed. In other words: 1) Cabinet reuse and 2) multi-threaded cab creation are built-in mechanisms in WiX to speed up builds.

    Hardware: The inevitable "throw hardware at it". New SSD and NVMe disks are so much faster than older IDE drives that you might want to try them as another way to improve build speed and installation speed. Obvious yes, but very important. It can really improve the speed of development. See this answer.

    Challenges with NVMe drives?: 1) They run hot, 2) they usually have limited capacity (size), 3) they might be more vulnerable than older 2.5" drives when used in laptops (I am not sure - keep in mind that some NVMe drives are soldered solid to the motherboard on laptops), 4) data rescue can be a bit challenging if you don't have good quality external enclosures (form factor etc...), 5) NVMe drives are said to burn out over time, 6) They are still somewhat pricey - especially the larger capacity ones, and there are further challenges for sure - but overall: these drives are awesome.

    Compression: You can try to compile your setup with a different compression level (for example none for debug builds). No compression makes builds faster. Here are illustrations for doing the opposite, setting higher compression (just use none instead of high for your purpose):

    A related answer on compression: What is the compression method used by MSI files?

    Separate Setup: If you still go compressed, you could put prerequisites and merge modules in a separate setup to avoid compressing them for every build (or use release flags if you are in Installshield, or check the Preprocessor features in Wix).

    External Source Files: I suppose you could use external source files if that's acceptable - then you don't have a lengthy compression operation taking place during the build, just a file copy (which keeps getting faster - especially with flash drives).

    Shim: Another technique is to shim all the files you install to be 1 KB if what you are testing is the setup itself and its GUI and custom actions. It is then just a "shell" of a setup - which is a great way to test new custom actions to your setup. Many have written tools for this, but I don't have a link for you. There is always to search.

    Release Flags: Another way to save time is to use special release flags (Installshield only) to compile smaller versions of the setup you are working on at the moment (leaving out many features). WiX has similar possibilities via its preprocessor. More on WiX preprocessor practical use.

    Debug Build: I usually use combinations of these techniques to make a debug build.

    • I normally use external source files when I experiment and add new features and keep rebuilding and installing the setup all the time.
    • Release flags to compile only part of the setup, cabinet reuse and release flags combined can save a lot of time depending on the size of your setup, the number of files and your hardware configuration.
    • Perhaps the most effective is a separate setup in my opinion (provided it is stable and not changing that often). Beware though: Wix to Install multiple Applications (the problems involved when it comes to splitting setups).

    My take on it: go for a prerequisites-only separate setup. This is good also for Large Scale Deployment scenarios where corporate users want to use their own, standardized prerequisites and are annoyed with lots of embedded "junk" in a huge setup. A lot of package preparation time in large companies is spent taking out outdated runtimes and prerequisites. You can also deliver updates to these prerequisites without rebuilding your entire setup. Good de-coupling.
