I need to control a complex CAN simulator written in CAPL for CANalyzer from an external application (in java, if that matters).
The simulator is already written and it has some buttons performing the functions I need.
What I need now is to modify this simulator so it accepts commands from a custom application, presumably via socket connection (but I'm open to other IPC means).
I should be able to send a message to Simulator and it should act as-if one of the interface buttons had been pushed.
Can such a thing be (easily) done? If so: where can I find relevant documentation?
It turns out CANalyzer does not (currently) have socket interface (CANoe does).
Preferred interfacing method is via COM server (both CANalyzer and CANoe act as CAN server by default). See: https://www.vector.com/portal/medien/vector_cantech/faq/ProgrammingWithCAPL.pdf