I have a factory defined which returns a $resource
myApp.factory('Region', function($resource) {
return $resource(baseUrl + '/templates/:templateId/regions/:regionId', null, {
query: {
method: 'GET',
isArray: false
update: {
method: 'PUT'
As you can see, a region is a subresource of a template, and I've defined the endpoint as /templates/:templateId/regions/:regionId
My issue comes when I want to save a new region. How do I specify the templateId
to save the region to? Here's my snippet:
$scope.save = function() {
if ($scope.mode === 'edit') {
} else {
Region.save($scope.region, function(success) {
In every other resource I have I've just used Model.save($scope.model);
, I don't know how to specify other URL parameters and the Angular docs don't seem to cover it.
According the docs, non-GET (e.g. PUT) methods accepts following arguments
Resource.save([parameters], postData, [success], [error]).
Where parameters
is a path params and it is optional, postData
– body of the request. If you want to provide templateId, just add it as first argument:
Region.save({templateId: 'id'}, $scope.region, function(success) {