I have an array 'flag' and I have changed the values of that array in my function. Now I need to update the same into the database, but I am unable to do so. I already have flag column in the table. I don't know how to update the value within the variable flag in the table
If I try
connection.query('UPDATE visentry SET flag = "flag" ', function(err,rows,fields) { }
It updates the column flag with value flag. If I try the following
var sql = 'UPDATE visentry SET flag= ?';
connection.query(sql,[{flag:flag}], function(err,rows,fields) {
It gives an error
Error: ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Any suggestions please
It is smart enough to deal with an array:
var sql = 'UPDATE visentry SET flag= ? WHERE row_name = ?';
var row_name = 'blah_blah_blah';
connection.query(sql,[flag, row_name], function(err,rows,fields) { });
If you want to use your first approach, than you should use a variable, not the string inside your query. The right syntax will be:
connection.query('UPDATE visentry SET flag = "' + flag + '"', function(err,rows,fields) { });
But this approach is not safe enough, you probably want to escape value of flag (quotes and other special chars) and make it sql-friendly.
You can use for this purpose some code like this (read more - Making a javascript string sql friendly):
function mysql_real_escape_string (str) {
return str.replace(/[\0\x08\x09\x1a\n\r"'\\\%]/g, function (char) {
switch (char) {
case "\0":
return "\\0";
case "\x08":
return "\\b";
case "\x09":
return "\\t";
case "\x1a":
return "\\z";
case "\n":
return "\\n";
case "\r":
return "\\r";
case "\"":
case "'":
case "\\":
case "%":
return "\\"+char; // prepends a backslash to backslash, percent,
// and double/single quotes
So, probably the best practice for this approach will be:
connection.query('UPDATE visentry SET flag = "' + mysql_real_escape_string(flag) + '"', function(err,result) { });