I was asked to implement a circular buffer that takes an unspecified type in C++. I assume the generic type to be of primitive type. (or should it consider non-primitive types?) For the buffer, I am using a basic array, e.g. T[] with new and delete to initialize and destroy it.
I have implemented the buffer class and tested it on integers with the expected output. But it does not work on std::string
. The problem is that, when I pop the buffer, I clear the element by setting it to zero, and the compiler complains that doing so is ambiguous. As such, I need a generic way to clear an element, and I thought the std::array
might support this feature, but I cannot find it in the documentation.
Is there a generic way to clear an element in a std::array or basic array, or is std::allocator my only option? Or, if I am completely in the wrong direction, How should I implement the pop method to reset the first element and increment the front index to that of the next element?
Thanks in advance!
In case it helps, below is my related code:
template<class T> T CircularBuffer<T>::pop_front()
if (_size == 0)
return 0;
T value = buffer[_front];
buffer[_front] = 0;
if (--_size == 0)
_front = -1;
_back = -1;
_front = (_front + 1) % _capacity;
return value;
In a circular buffer you do not really remove elements from memory, otherwise as Jagannath pointed out std::deque is your option. You more like "reset" the elements that have been popped.
buffer[_front] = 0;
means "assign 0
to a T
". There are two methods that do that for T = std::string
which explains the ambiguity. A bit simplified they look like this:
std::string std::string::operator=(char c);
std::string std::string::operator=(const char *cPtr);
I guess you don't want any of this, so my choice would be (as T.C. wrote):
buffer[_front] = T();
Additionally (and for a very similar reason)
if (_size == 0)
return 0;
is also a problem since it will crash, watch this:
std::string a = circularBuffer.pop_front(); // crashes on empty buffer
You could return T()
here but the cleaner way would certainly be throwing an std::out_of_range