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Symfony Own Private Vendor

I have a private bundle that I import in the vendor.

Now, I'm working in my project and want to edit some code in the vendor bundle.

Now I've done that and want to commit to code, so I go the dir of that bundle and say: "git commit -a" so I give a message, save and now I have a commit. Oke, "git push" and give the response "Everything is up-to-date"... So I can't push that but I can commit??

Is this not a way to commit? Should I just clone the repo and work there?


  • Its a long time ago that I asked this question. Mean while I got the answer but never updated my stackoverflow question, sorry for that!

    The answer on my own question is to get the dependency with composer --prefer-source.

    --prefer-source: There are two ways of downloading a package: source and dist. For stable versions composer will use the dist by default. The source is a version control repository. If --prefer-source is enabled, composer will install from source if there is one. This is useful if you want to make a bugfix to a project and get a local git clone of the dependency directly.