I am writing a Gradle task in Intellij IDEA. I have noticed that in the Gradle window, the tasks appear under folders like so:
I am wondering, how can you give a task a 'category' so that it appears in a folder as shown in the screenshot?
All the tasks I create usually end up in other
. I am also writing a custom plugin and want it to appear under a 'folder' name of my choosing. but I assume it'll be the same answer for when writing a task.
You just need to set the group
property of your task. Eg (from http://mrhaki.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/gradle-goodness-adding-tasks-to.html)
task publish(type: Copy) {
from "sources"
into "output"
configure(publish) {
group = 'Publishing'
description = 'Publish source code to output directory'