I have a MySQL database setup with GTFS data and I have php scripts that return stop times and I'm looking to add realtime data.
I know Google has instructions for how to use gtfs realtime with php (https://github.com/google/gtfs-realtime-bindings-php) but I can't seem to figure out how to get it working.
What I want to do is (using whatever informations is needed: trip_id, stop_id, etc.) return the trip_update delayed value so that I can update the stop time accordingly.
Does anyone know of a good tutorial? Or can someone help me figure out how to do this?
A more complete GTFS-realtime PHP example might look like the following:
foreach ($feed->getEntityList() as $entity) {
if ($entity->hasTripUpdate()) {
$trip = $entity->getTripUpdate();
error_log("trip id: " . $trip->getTrip()->getTripId());
foreach ($trip->getStopTimeUpdateList() as $stu) {
if ($stu->hasArrival()) {
$ste = $stu->getArrival();
error_log(" arrival delay: " . $ste->getDelay());
error_log(" arrival time: " . $ste->getTime());
if ($stu->hasDeparture()) {
$ste = $stu->getDeparture();
error_log(" departure delay: " . $ste->getDelay());
error_log(" departure time: " . $ste->getTime());
Notice how the method names correspond to the fields in the underlying GTFS-realtime schema:
You can see the PHP source that was generated from the schema at: