In LuaJIT or in the Torch REPL, I run the commands
require 'gnuplot'
and I get the error "Gnuplot terminal is not set".
I tried using gnuplot.setterm() with some guesses such as 'x11' and 'qt' as arguments, but get the error "gnuplot does not seem to have this term". Is there somewhere I can get a list of terminal emulators/graphics backends available to gnuplot? Or alternatively, are these errors indicative of some other problem?
It turns out that you get this error if you don't have the Gnuplot executable installed.
I didn't check for this problem before because gnuplot.lua (v. 5.1) has an error check for the case of that executable being unavailable - on line 145 - but for some reason it failed to catch the problem.