Let's consider the following semantic-ui page structure (using meteor):
<div class="ui top attached demo menu">
{{> header}}
<div id="main" class="ui bottom attached segment">
<div class="ui teal labeled left inline vertical sidebar menu">
{{> sidebar}}
<div class="pusher">
{{> yield}}
Being the content inside the pusher a grid of images as following:
<div class="ui sixteen column wide center aligned grid book-grid">
{{#each book}}
<div class="center aligned column item">
<div class="ui basic segment">
<img src="{{cover}}" class="ui fluid image">
Is it possible to have the pusher dynamically fit to the browser when the sidebar is open? My content is pushed off-screen (standard behavior) but I'd like the images grid to adapt to the new panel width. Thanks
Not the most elegant solution, but you could manually adapt the .pusher
's width by adding an event to capture the show/hide of the sidebar.
The key is providing the width in percent. Please also have a look at Bootstrap's Grid System.