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Set migrate:safe to user defined table in waterline

I have to create user defined tables in waterline though custom query method(.query()).

custom.con.query("CREATE TABLE "+req.body.table_name+",function(err,model){});

After that i have to create coloumns in this table again through custom query.

custom.con.query("ALTER TABLE "+req.body.table_name+" ADD "+req.body.coloumn_name,function(err,model){});  

Problem is once table is created and it's coloumns also created.but when i restart server coloumns in table vanish.

In other waterline models i can handle this problem by setting value of migrate:"safe".

Is there any way to set such configuration in custom tables.???


  • user786, it seems that you have your default migrate setting set to 'alter' or 'drop'. You can change this by adding a defaults object to your waterline initialisation, example:

    var config = {
      // adapters
      // models
      // etc...
      defaults: {
        // will apply to any model that doesn't have a 'migrate' definition
        migrate: 'safe'
    waterline.initialize(config, function(err, models) {
      console.log("waterline initialised.");

    Code example in waterline examples.

    The non-destructive options are 'safe' and 'create', more details in the adapter specification docs and in sails model settings.