Picture the notification-dropdown menu from Facebook.
I want to implement something similar. When clicking 'Slet', it's supposed to delete that notification from the list.
private void AddNotificationsToPanel(List<Notification> notifications, StackPanel panel)
foreach (var notification in notifications)
//We want every message to have text, a delete button and a postpone button
//So we need a nested stackpanel:
var horizontalStackPanel = new StackPanel();
horizontalStackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
//Display the message:
var text = new TextBlock();
text.Text = notification.Message;
text.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
text.Background = Brushes.White;
text.FontSize = 24;
//Add a delete button:
var del = new Button();
del.Content = "Slet";
del.FontSize = 24;
del.Command = DeleteNotificationCommand;
//Add a postpone button:
var postpone = new Button();
postpone.Content = "Udskyd";
postpone.FontSize = 24;
postpone.IsEnabled = false;
panel.Children.Add(new Button { Content = "Luk", FontSize = 24, Command = ClosePopupCommand });
Basically, I have a vertical stackpanel with x amount of horizontal stackpanels. Each of those have a textbox and two buttons. How do I know which button I clicked? The buttons are all bound to a delete command, but I'm kind of unsure how these work:
public ICommand DeleteNotificationCommand
return new RelayCommand(o => DeleteNotification());
Which then create this method:
private void DeleteNotification()
AddNotificationsToPanel(Notifications, Panel);
Problem is we don't know which Notification to delete, because I don't know how to see which button was clicked. Any ideas?
You should use CommandParameter property of the button by assigning unique identifier of each notification to it. I'm assuming your notification has an unique integer id:
//Add a delete button:
var del = new Button();
del.Content = "Slet";
del.FontSize = 24;
del.Command = DeleteNotificationCommand;
del.CommandParameter = notification.Id; // <-- unique id
Then in the DeleteNotification method, you need to specify a parameter for the key.
public ICommand DeleteNotificationCommand
return new RelayCommand(DeleteNotification);
private void DeleteNotification(object parameter)
int notificationId = (int)parameter;
var NotificationForDeletion = ...; // <--- Get notification by id
AddNotificationsToPanel(Notifications, Panel);
Now, in the DeleteNotification you can identify the Notification that is related to the button.