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CakePHP configuring HybidAuth google provider

I am using HybridAuth. I have already configured vkontaknte and facebook providers. Now I need additional one - google.

Below the part of my config hybridAuth:

  'Google' => array ( 
          "enabled" => true,
          "keys"    => array ( "id" => "my_id", "secret" => "my_secret_key" ),
          "scope"           => " ". // optional
                               ""   ,
          "logo"    => '/img/vk.png',
          "class"   => 'Vkontaktelogo',
          "redirect_uri" => '',    

Once I press login "facebook" button, It redirects me to the google and ask me for scope list. It`s ok. But then It redirects me back to website, but login isnt completed.

I put my hybridAuth log. Could you ask me what is wrong?

log is here



  • I think my answer will be usefull for those peoples who use CakePHP hybridAuth library

    1) set Redirect URIs parameter with value "http:/"

    2) set the same value for "redirect_uri" in the hybridauth.php (config)

    3) go to app/Vendor/hybridauth/Hybrid/Providers/Google.php find string

       $this->api->curl_header = array("Authorization: OAuth " . $this->access_token);

    and change it to

    $this->api->curl_header = array("Authorization: OAuth " . $this->api->access_token);

    That`s fixed an issue.