I have frequency values changing with the time (x
axis units), as presented on the picture below. After some normalization these values may be seen as data points of a density function for some distribution.
Q: Assuming that these frequency points are from Weibull distribution T
, how can I fit best Weibull density function to the points so as to infer the distribution T
parameters from it?
sample <- c(7787,3056,2359,1759,1819,1189,1077,1080,985,622,648,518,
plot(1:length(sample), sample, type = "l")
points(1:length(sample), sample)
To prevent from being misunderstood, I would like to add little more explanation. By saying I have frequency values changing with the time (x
axis units) I mean I have data which says that I have:
Some way towards my goal (incorrect one, as I think) would be to create a set of these realizations:
# Loop to simulate values
set.values <- c()
for(i in 1:length(sample)){
set.values <<- c(set.values, rep(i, times = sample[i]))
lines(1:length(sample), sample)
points(1:length(sample), sample)
and use fitdistr
on the set.values
f2 <- fitdistr(set.values, 'weibull')
Why I think it is incorrect way and why I am looking for a better solution in R
in the distribution fitting approach presented above it is assumed that set.values
is a complete set of my realisations from the distribution T
in my original question I know the points from the first part of the density curve - I do not know its tail and I want to estimate the tail (and the whole density function)
Here is a better attempt, like before it uses
to find the best value constrained to a set of values in a box (defined by the lower
and upper
vectors in the optim
call). Notice it scales x and y as part of the optimization in addition to the Weibull distribution shape parameter, so we have 3 parameters to optimize over.
Unfortunately when using all the points it pretty much always finds something on the edges of the constraining box which indicates to me that maybe Weibull is maybe not a good fit for all of the data. The problem is the two points - they ares just too large. You see the attempted fit to all data in the first plot.
If I drop those first two points and just fit the rest, we get a much better fit. You see this in the second plot. I think this is a good fit, it is in any case a local minimum in the interior of the constraining box.
sample <- c(60953,7787,3056,2359,1759,1819,1189,1077,1080,985,622,648,518,
t.sample <- 0:22
s.fit <- sample[3:23]
t.fit <- t.sample[3:23]
wx <- function(param) {
res <- param[2]*dweibull(t.fit*param[3],shape=param[1])
minwx <- function(param){
v <- s.fit-wx(param)
p0 <- c(1,200,1/20)
paramopt <- optim(p0,minwx,gr=NULL,lower=c(0.1,100,0.01),upper=c(1.1,5000,1))
popt <- paramopt$par
rms <- paramopt$value
tit <- sprintf("Weibull - Shape:%.3f xscale:%.1f yscale:%.5f rms:%.1f",popt[1],popt[2],popt[3],rms)
plot(t.sample[2:23], sample[2:23], type = "p",col="darkred")
lines(t.fit, wx(popt),col="blue")