I'm looking for a code example for uploading a file to Microsoft OneDrive via php.
I have created a microsoft account and created an app.
Thanks allot
Try use https://github.com/lovattj/php-skydrive
Upload example:
require_once 'functions.inc.php';
$token = skydrive_tokenstore::acquire_token(); // Call this function to grab a current access_token, or false if none is available.
if (!$token) { // If no token, prompt to login. Call skydrive_auth::build_oauth_url() to get the redirect URL.
echo "<div>";
echo "<img src='statics/key-icon.png'> ";
echo "<a href='" . skydrive_auth::build_oauth_url() . "'>Login with SkyDrive</a></span>";
echo "</div>";
} else {
$sd = new skydrive($token);
try {
$response = $sd->put_file($_GET['folderid'], '/file/to/put');
// File was uploaded, return metadata.
} catch (Exception $e) {
// An error occured, print HTTP status code and description.
echo "Error: ".$e->getMessage();