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What is the best way to convert an array with NSStrings to NSDecimalNumber?

I have an NSArray with 10 NSStrings inside:

myArray (

What's the best way to convert all the strings to an NSDecimalNumber?


  • A very simple Category on NSArray will allow you to use map as seen in other languages

    @interface NSArray (Functional)
    -(NSArray *)map:(id (^) (id element))mapBlock;

    @implementation NSArray (Functional)
    -(NSArray *)map:(id (^)(id))mapBlock
        NSMutableArray *array = [@[] mutableCopy];
        for (id element in self) {
            [array addObject:mapBlock(element)];
        return [array copy];

    Now you can use -map: in your case like

    NSArray *array = @[@"21.32",
    array = [array map:^id(NSString *element) {
        return [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:element];

    A NSMutableArray in-place variant could be

    @interface NSMutableArray (Functional)
    -(void)map:(id (^) (id element))mapBlock;

    @implementation NSMutableArray (Functional)
    -(void)map:(id (^)(id))mapBlock
        [self enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
            self[idx] = mapBlock(obj);

    NSMutableArray *array = [@[@"21.32",
                               @"87.32"] mutableCopy];
    [array map:^id(NSString *element) {
       return [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:element];