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C++/Lua: Implement Qt/QtLua with QWebView

I'm planning to write a cross-platform project in C++, which will run a Lua engine. I'd like to write the main program for that project including the GUI in Lua. And to make it even easier, I want to write the GUI in HTML and therefore I need an additional library, hopefully QtLua which is based on Qt.

From what I heard, implementing QtLua into the Lua engine shouldn't be too hard and Qt has a nice class called QWebView that should allow me to write HTML GUIs. But I'm wondering about 2 things:

  • Is it cross-platform capable?
  • Is QWebView even part of QtLua?


  • Answers to both questions i think you should find here

    There's this part that says

    QtLua is not designed to develop an application in pure Lua but rather to extend a Qt C++ application using Lua as scripting language.

    Therefore, if your application is built/based on Qt and only extended using Lua, it should be cross-platform capable.

    And for your second question; QWebView is used to view and edit web content, QtLua or QtScript is used to provide support for application scripting. QWebView is not part of QtLua plus i don't see any member of the QWebView class that has any connection with scripting