I'm building a project in Xcode 6.3. I based it on a command line tool
project template. Is there a possibility to exclude the automatically added libraries of such paths and origins like for example curses.h
Here the path:
Where can I change the default settings of inclusion/exclusion of the default libraries loaded in the target of my project?
Thank you for any hints, since it is awfully hard to find something about it on the web.
It turns out that you can easily disable all the additional modules in Xcode's Build Settings:
Build Settings > Apple LLVM 6.1 - Language - Modules > Enable Modules (C and Objective-C)
and set it to No.
(a broader answer was posted by Thomas Dickey here: How to disable "curses.h" header (a part of "stdio.h in Xcode 6.3 OSX Yosemite) to avoid conflicting function declarations)