I have a controller which is passing on a hashmap to a view. The map has 3 elements, one of which is as below:
-- A list of lists (A) in which list3 is a list of lists
Now I want to display them on the gsp as follows:
A.list1 | A.list2 | A.list3[0] | A.list4 |
| | A.list3[1] | |
| | A.list3[2] | |
I have very little knowledge about generating views and I need nothing more than the tabular format here. Nothing more fancy. I just want the table because the data makes sense only in that format. Thank you.
welcome to the Grails world. Hope you have an awesome experience. Unsure if you are aware but by generating a view i.e. the default scaffolding CRUD elements auto generated and most specifically the list.gsp has most of that logic in place. None the less I reviewed your question over again and can see your stuck on map that has a list which is really simply stuff. So here goes.:
<g:each in="${A}" var="myMap">
<g:each in="${myMap.list3}" status="i" var="myList3">
${myList3} <!-- this should be what you want I have added below -->
<!-- ${myList3?.name} --> <!-- explained further below -->
<!-- ${i} : ${myList3} --> <!--where i is this is the iterator -->
I put in comments myList3?.name simply because if the list is actually a binding of domain objects then you could display the element from the domainclass that is that being returned.
class Country {
String name
static hasMany=[cities:Cities]
Class Cities {
String name
static belongsTo=[Country:country]
Then if A was ${country} and list3 was cities then .name would actually show the cities.name which is the binded value...
In other examples of raw maps that are not domainClass binded being returned to a gsp you could use the key value definition to parse:
private Map menuMap = ['index':'Socket method', 'ajaxpoll':'Ajax poll',
'socketremote':'RemoteForm Websocket', 'scsocket':'NEW: Websocket Client/Server']
<g:each in="${menuMap }" var="cmenu">
<li <g:if test="${actionName == cmenu.key}">class="active"</g:if>>
<g:link action="${cmenu.key}">