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Render a Map of lists as a table in grails

I have a controller which is passing on a hashmap to a view. The map has 3 elements, one of which is as below:

-- A list of lists (A) in which list3 is a list of lists

Now I want to display them on the gsp as follows:

A.list1     |       A.list2     |       A.list3[0]      |       A.list4     |
            |                   |       A.list3[1]      |                   |
            |                   |       A.list3[2]      |                   |

I have very little knowledge about generating views and I need nothing more than the tabular format here. Nothing more fancy. I just want the table because the data makes sense only in that format. Thank you.


  • welcome to the Grails world. Hope you have an awesome experience. Unsure if you are aware but by generating a view i.e. the default scaffolding CRUD elements auto generated and most specifically the list.gsp has most of that logic in place. None the less I reviewed your question over again and can see your stuck on map that has a list which is really simply stuff. So here goes.:

    <g:each in="${A}" var="myMap">
      <g:each in="${myMap.list3}"  status="i" var="myList3">
       ${myList3} <!-- this should be what you want I have added below -->
       <!-- ${myList3?.name} --> <!-- explained further below -->
       <!-- ${i} : ${myList3} --> <!--where i is this is the iterator -->

    I put in comments myList3?.name simply because if the list is actually a binding of domain objects then you could display the element from the domainclass that is that being returned.


    class Country {
      String name
      static hasMany=[cities:Cities]
    Class Cities {
      String name
      static belongsTo=[Country:country]

    Then if A was ${country} and list3 was cities then .name would actually show the which is the binded value...

    In other examples of raw maps that are not domainClass binded being returned to a gsp you could use the key value definition to parse:

    raw map being passed to gsp

    private Map menuMap = ['index':'Socket method', 'ajaxpoll':'Ajax poll',
            'socketremote':'RemoteForm Websocket', 'scsocket':'NEW: Websocket Client/Server']

    navbar gsp

    <g:each in="${menuMap }" var="cmenu">
                <li <g:if test="${actionName == cmenu.key}">class="active"</g:if>>
                    <g:link action="${cmenu.key}">