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Parsing JSON-RPC using Python

I have an JSON-RPC of the form: [{"priority": "0", "actionsList": [{"type": "OUTPUT", "port": 2}], "match": {"wildcards": 3145968, "nw_dst": "", "dl_src": "00:00:00:00:01:01", "dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:04:02", "dl_vlan": 65535, "nw_src": "", "in_port": 3}}, {"priority": "0", "actionsList": [{"type": "OUTPUT", "port": 3}], "match": {"wildcards": 3145968, "nw_dst": "", "dl_src": "00:00:00:00:04:02", "dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:01:01", "dl_vlan": 65535, "nw_src": "", "in_port": 2}}]

I parse using the following code:

flowTableJSON = do_func(gopts, opts, args)
print type(flowTableJSON)
print flowTableJSON
for flow in flowTableJSON:
        print 'in for loop'
        print flow['match']['dl_src']
        print flow['match']['dl_dst']

Printing the variable flowTableJSON outputs the example JSON above, while the type of flowTableJSON is Nonetype. Is it possible for a variable to store a value and be of type Nonetype?

Essentially, I am trying to access the value stored in dl_dst in each of the elements of the JSON; how would I do that?


  • I'm willing to bet that the problem is that do_func just prints out the JSON and doesn't return anything. So, flowTableJSON is None, so its type is NoneType, and that's printing after the JSON.

    I know you said the NoneType was printing before the JSON, but you also said it was Nonetype, and I find that unlikely, so my guess is you're just being not paying enough attention.