I have a problem with showing video using QtMultimedia on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian):
When I'm using QMediaPlayer + QVideoWidget it gives me an error: "this plugin doesn't support setParent"
When I'm trying to show video with QtQuick it gives me errors:
pi@raspberrypi ~/Desktop/QtApp $ ./JM
Unable to query physical screen size, defaulting to 100 dpi.
To override, set QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_WIDTH and
GStreamer; Unable to pause - ""
Error: "No URI set"
Here is QtQuick project: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/e41fa0721bc895d7fe00
Video is placed here: /home/pi/Desktop/QtApp/video/adv.mov
How can I solve this problems?
Your program does not find your video. Replace:
source: "./video/adv.mov"
source: "file:///home/pi/Desktop/QtApp/video/adv.mov"
in your video.qml
You added your video.qml into the Qt resources:
This is practically a different file system, so your root folder is probably not what you expected... and your relative path points nowhere.