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amazon EC2 command line interface not returning all my snapshots

So I am tasked with creating a Batch script to handle creating and deleting snapshots of one of our servers. Well I have most of it working but the problem I am having is trying to list out more than 11 snapshots. We have well over 200 snapshots on one volume.

I've tried ec2-describe-snapshots -F "volume-id=vol-12345" -F "status=completed"|sort /R /+49 where vol-12345 is my volume id of course. That does do the proper sorting by date that I need but it still only returns 11 snapshots. I also tried to throw a -a at the end in case there were any private snapshots but I was still getting only 11.

I did see this post: how to list all the snapshots created from a single volume ID EC2 instance but that doesnt quite answer my question on how to display more than 11 snapshots. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


  • Here's an alternative, using the AWS Tools for PowerShell. This utility should already be installed if your Windows EC2 is based off of an AMI that Amazon provided.

    This example describes a collection of snapshots that you created, and is filtered by status "completed" and by your provided volumeId. It is sorted by StartTime.

    # Create a filter to limit by status = completed
    $filterByStatusCompleted = New-Object Amazon.EC2.Model.Filter -Property @{Name = "status"; Value = "completed"}
    # Create a filter to limit by specific volume ID
    $filterByVolumeId = New-Object Amazon.EC2.Model.Filter -Property @{Name = "volume-id"; Value = "vol-11111111"}
    # Describe the collection of snapshots, sorted by StartTime
    Get-EC2Snapshot -OwnerIds self -Filter $filterByStatusCompleted, $filterByVolumeId | Sort -Property StartTime
