Search code examples

Pretty recursive directory and file print

I am building a JAVA app that saves the output of bash commands into a list.

@root ~/a $ zipinfo -1 

root@ ~/a $ find .

The idea is to compare files and directories from the zip to what is on the disk and remove any differences from the disk. In this example test/c.txt should only be removed.

As you can see the format is different. Which command do I need to have the same style as zipinfo -1?

I tried commands like:

ls -R

ls -LR | grep "" 

find . -exec ls -dl \{\} \; | awk '{print $9}'


  • One way to remove the . prefix is to use sed. For example:

    find . ! -name . | sed -e 's|^\./||'

    The ! -name . removes the . entry from the list. The sed part removes the ./ from the beginning of each line.

    It should give you pretty much the same format as your zipinfo, though perhaps not the same order.

    Note: the above suggestion is compatible with both Linux and other unix versions such as MacOS X. On Linux specifically you can achieve the same result with:

    find . ! -name . -printf "%P\n"

    The -printf predicate is specific to the Linux findutils, and the %P format prints each found file, removing the search directory from its beginning.