I have a vector of values r
as follows:
and a data frame df
with 20 records and two columns:
Using the r
vector I need to extract a sample of records (in the form of a new data frame) from df
in a way that the freq
values of the records, would be equal to the values I have in my r
vector. Needless to say that if it finds multiple records with the same freq
values it should randomly pick one of them. For instance one possible outcome can be:
id frequency
12 1
10 3
4 4
7 6
8 7
I would be thankful if anyone could help me with this.
You could try data.table
setDT(df)[freq %in% r,sample(id,1L) , freq]
Or using base R
aggregate(id~freq, df, subset=freq %in% r, FUN= sample, 1L)
If you have a vector "r" with duplicate values and want to sample the data set ('df') based on the length of unique elements in 'r'
r <-c(1,3,3,4,6,7)
res <- do.call(rbind,lapply(split(r, r), function(x) {
x1 <- df[df$freq %in% x,]
x1[sample(1:nrow(x1),length(x), replace=FALSE),]}))
row.names(res) <- NULL