I'm making a program that's cropping images. I have two PictureBoxes
and a Button named 'crop'. One picture box contains an image and when I select a rectangle in it and press 'Crop' the selected area appears in the other picture box; so the program is working when I press crop. The problem is: How can I get the image from crop area into picture box Image?
Rectangle rectCropArea;
Image srcImage = null;
//Prepare a new Bitmap on which the cropped image will be drawn
Bitmap sourceBitmap = new Bitmap(SrcPicBox.Image, SrcPicBox.Width, SrcPicBox.Height);
Graphics g = TargetPicBox.CreateGraphics();
g.DrawImage(sourceBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, TargetPicBox.Width, TargetPicBox.Height),
rectCropArea, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
//Good practice to dispose the System.Drawing objects when not in use.
Image x = TargetPicBox.Image;
The problem is that x = null and the image is showing in the picture box so how can I get the Image from this picture box into the Image
variable ?
A couple of issues:
(a Property) and the Graphics
you associate with the PictureBox
's surface.
The Graphics
object you get from Control.CreateGraphics
is only able to paint onto the surface of the control; usually not what you want; and even when you do, you usually want to do it in a Paint
event using e.Graphics
..So, while your code seems to work, it only paints non-persistent pixels onto the surface. Minimize/maximize and you'll see what non-persistent means..!
To change a Bitmap
bmp you need to associate it with a Grahics
object like this:
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
Now you can draw into it:
g.DrawImage(sourceBitmap, targetArea, sourceArea, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
After that you can assign the Bitmap
to the Image
Property of the TargetPicBox
Finally dispose of the Graphics
, or better, put it into a using
I am assuming that you have managed to give the rectCropArea
meaningful values.
Also note that the way you copy the source bitmap has an error: If you want the full image, do use its Size
(*), not the one of the PictureBox
And instead of creating a target rectangle, with the same error, simply use the TargetPicBox.ClientRectangle
Here is an example code for the crop Button:
// a Rectangle for testing
Rectangle rectCropArea = new Rectangle(22,22,55,99);
// see the note below about the aspect ratios of the two rectangles!!
Rectangle targetRect = TargetPicBox.ClientRectangle;
Bitmap targetBitmap = new Bitmap(targetRect.Width, targetRect.Height);
using (Bitmap sourceBitmap = new Bitmap(SrcPicBox.Image,
SrcPicBox.Image.Width, SrcPicBox.Image.Height) )
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(targetBitmap))
g.DrawImage(sourceBitmap, targetRect, rectCropArea, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
if (TargetPicBox.Image != null) TargetPicBox.Dispose();
TargetPicBox.Image = targetBitmap;
Note that since I assign targetBitmap
to TargetPicBox.Image
I must not dipose of it! Instead, before assigning a new Image
, I first Dispose
the old one..