I have the following variables:
int** send_count;
message_struct*** send_queue;
And I have a function I want to declare a contract for
message_record_struct postSend(int destination, double* buf);
How do I declare a contract which allows assignment to the elements of send_count
and send_queue
I'm concerned the following approach only allows assignment to the element at the address of pointer to the array:
@ assigns send_count
And the following approach throws an error given the axiomatic theory { logic integer NP; }
in an earlier portion of the code):
@ assigns *(send_count+(0..NP-1));
@ assigns \forall integer i; 0<=i<NP ==>
$ frama-c -wp -wp-prover "why3ide" assign_example.c
[kernel] Parsing FRAMAC_SHARE/libc/__fc_builtin_for_normalization.i (no preprocessing)
[kernel] Parsing assign_example.c (with preprocessing)
assign_example.c:62:[kernel] user error: syntax error (expression expected but predicate found) in annotation.
[kernel] user error: stopping on file "assign_example.c" that has errors. Add '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
[kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
The syntax you are looking for is probably
/*@ assigns *(send_count+(0..NP-1));
assigns *(send_count[0..NP-1]+(0..NP-1));
ACSL ranges [a..b]
have been introduced to keep assigns clauses quantifiers-free, and should be used as much as possible.