I'm trying to make a page with "content" on the top (for mobile view) and the sidebar below.
Here is my html:
<div class="homepage-content"></div>
<div class="homepage-sidebar"></div>
Here is my scss using bourbon:
section {
@include outer-container;
.homepage-content {
@include span-columns(8);
@include shift(4); /* this block should be on the RIGHT on desktop/tablet view */
.homepage-sidebar {
@include span-columns(4);
@include shift(-8);
I'm under the impression that "shift" shifts to the right (positive) and then to the left for negative numbers.
So I would think that the "content" is 8 columns wide and then shifted over to the right. So my content would be on the right-hand side.
What seems to be happening is that my "content" div is now sitting on top of my "sidebar" div:
Try to apply a float: right;
on your .homepage-content
.homepage-content {
@include span-columns(8); float:right;
.homepage-sidebar {
@include span-columns(4);