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android - using the tess-two library

I am following this tutorial and manage to build the library just fine.

My State Now:

  • I take a photo, save it to the external memory (here is the directory path)

    static String directoryPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/saved_images";
  • In the directory there are currently only pictures I took in jpg format.

  • I can load a bitmap from the saved image.

The problem-

I couldn't understand how do I use this piece of code:

TessBaseAPI baseApi = new TessBaseAPI();
// DATA_PATH = Path to the storage
// lang = for which the language data exists, usually "eng"
baseApi.init(DATA_PATH, lang);
// Eg. baseApi.init("/mnt/sdcard/tesseract/tessdata/eng.traineddata", "eng");
String recognizedText = baseApi.getUTF8Text();
  • What is the DATA_PATH variable?
  • also read something about creating a folder named tesseract and putting there language files?

not really sure what I need to do and the tutorial doesn't explain it.

any help would be appreciated!


  • put the file in your devices (download folder for example)

    File Manager

    Open the file properties in your devices:

    Devices properties

    and copy the path in your DATA_PATH var, for example: /mnt/sdcard/download/eng.traineddata

    the TessBaseAPI need the file for initialization.