I am trying to write a python script for Maya that will copy keyframes from one rig to another. I have found objects and matched them up. What I am trying to do now is copy the keys from the original objects if the original objects have keys to be copied. I was hoping to use the Keyframe command to check to see if the object has keys.
Example: if cmds.keyframe(oldObjPath attribute=oldAttr,sl=True, q=True, tc=True ) > 0:
This however always returned false. When I print out the attributes of oldObjPath I do get all the attributes printed out. Any idea what I am doing wrong here? Full code is below
Documentation on Keyframe Command: http://download.autodesk.com/global/docs/maya2014/en_us/index.html?url=files/Python_Python_in_Maya.htm,topicNumber=d30e813275
#create a decunary of the object names and paths for faster searching
originalObjectDic = {}
newObjectDic = {}
for obj in originalObjects:
#First remove the full path to give us somthing to search the new object with
subStrLoc = 0
index = 0
for char in obj:
if char == ':':
subStrLoc = index
searchName = obj[subStrLoc+1:]
#next look at all the names of the new object and see if they match up
for nObj in newObjects:
#correct the new objects name
for char in nObj:
if index != 0:
if char == '_' and nObj[index-1] == 'r' and nObj[index-2] == 'u' and nObj[index-3] == 'F':
subStrLoc = index
index = index + 1
if subStrLoc == 0:
index = 0
for char in obj:
if char == ':':
subStrLoc = index
searchName = nObj[subStrLoc+1:]
#now that we have to dicunaries to check agaenst we will match up the two obj paths
# and copy the keys on all attributes on each node
for key in newObjectDic:
newObjPath = newObjectDic.get(key)
oldObjPath = originalObjectDic.get(key)
#if there is a match between the two dics
if newObjPath != None and oldObjPath != None:
#get a list of all the attributes
newObjAttributes = cmds.listAttr(newObjPath,v=True,r=True, w=True)
oldObjAttributes = cmds.listAttr(oldObjPath,v=True,r=True, w=True)
for x in range(len(newObjAttributes)-1):
newAttr = newObjAttributes[x]
oldAttr = oldObjAttributes[x]
if cmds.keyframe(oldObjPath attribute=oldAttr,sl=True, q=True, tc=True ) > 0:
print oldObjPath
print oldAttr
print 'Has Key'
print '----------------------------'
Got help from a freands. Had the wrong option on. sl which stands for selection should be false or not there at all so...
if cmds.keyframe(oldObjPath, attribute=oldAttr, sl=False, q=True, tc=True):