I have a problem: I cannot bring date without time through MIGX TV created by TV type migx:
{«Field»: «Date», «caption»: «Date», «inputTVtype»: «date»}
I deduce that everything appears normal by this way [[+ date]]
, but it is displayed as date and time and I want to display only the date part!
I tried this [[+ date: date ="% Y-% m-% d"]]
but instead of the correct date 1/1/1970
is displayed.
I understand that the problem is that I use the TV type migx, but I need to use migx because there can be lots of dates!
Help me, please!
http://rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/Input+and+Output+Filters+%28Output+Modifiers%29 - you need :strtotime
modificator before :date