I am using Topshelf combined with FluentSchedule for a Windows Service.
However, I want to be able to trial-run the application to simply start up and not execute the FluentSchedule code that sets up the timer etc.
Is there a way when running the exe file from the Command Line (i.e. without 'install' command) to check from TopShelf that it is running in Console mode?
It's sort of a hack, but you can try to cast the HostControl
interface to ConsoleRunHost
, and if it's that type, you're running as a console application.
It's not ideal, sure, but surely you can hide this in an extension method to make it less ugly.
public static bool IsRunningAsConsole(this HostControl control)
return control is ConsoleRunHost;
And you then get access to the HostControl by passing it in through the call to WhenStarted() in your service configuration.
s.WhenStarted((tc, hostControl) => tc.Start(hostControl));