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ScaleTransform transforms non-linearly

I am using scale transform to allow a user to resize a control. What happens though is that when you start to move the mouse the control jumps to a new size, and then scales oddly. The further you move your mouse from the starting location the larger the increase in size becomes.

I expect its the way I calculate the scale to be applied. Here is the code:

private void ResizeGrip_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

    //Get the initial coordinate cursor location on the window
    initBtmX = e.GetPosition(this).X;

    bottomResize = true;

private void ResizeGrip_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    bottomResize = false;

private void ResizeGrip_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    if( bottomResize == true)
        //Get the new Y coordinate cursor location
        double newBtmX = e.GetPosition(this).X;

        //Get the smallest change between the initial and new cursor location
        double diffX = initBtmX - newBtmX;

        // Let our rectangle capture the mouse

        double newWidth = e.GetPosition(this).X - diffX;

        double scaler = newWidth / ResizeContainer.ActualWidth;

        Console.WriteLine("newWidth: {0}, scalar: {1}", newWidth, scaler);

        if (scaler < 0.75 || scaler > 3)

        ScaleTransform scale = new ScaleTransform(scaler, scaler);

        ResizeContainer.LayoutTransform = scale;

Update: Now with XAML

<wtk:IToolDialog x:Name="VideoPlayer" ParentControl="{Binding ElementName=Stage}" DialogTitle="Video Player" Margin="90,5,0,0">
        <Grid x:Name="ResizeContainer" ClipToBounds="True" Width="320" Height="240" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="0,0,0,1">
            <!-- The video frame -->
            <Image Stretch="Fill" Source="{Binding CurrentFrameImage}" x:Name="VideoImage" />
                <pplcontrols:VideoGroundPlane Foreground="Black" GridSize="20" GroundPlane="{Binding GroundPlane}">
            <Grid x:Name="HitMask" IsHitTestVisible="False"/>
        <ResizeGrip Cursor="SizeNWSE" x:Name="ResizeHandle" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Mouse.MouseDown="ResizeGrip_MouseDown" Mouse.MouseUp="ResizeGrip_MouseUp" Mouse.MouseMove="ResizeGrip_MouseMove"></ResizeGrip>


  • Any reason why you are not using ResizeContainer.RenderTransfrom instead of ResizeContainer.LayoutTransform? I.e. use

    ResizeContainer.LayoutTransform = scale;

    If you want the scale to be linear I think you should use

    double scaler = 1 - diff / ResizeContainer.ActualWidth;


    There is a bug in the code that causes the scaled control to "jump" in size if you try to resize more than once. I suggest you do the following:

    Add a RenderTransform to your ResizeContainer grid:

        <ScaleTransform x:Name="transform" ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1" />

    Change the code in your MouseMove event handler to the following:

    if (bottomResize)
        double newBtmX = e.GetPosition(this).X;
        double scaler = -(initBtmX - newBtmX) / grid1.ActualWidth;
        initBtmX = newBtmX;
        transform.ScaleX += scaler;
        transform.ScaleY += scaler;

    This way you change the scale by whatever small amount the mouse has moved while dragging. All child controls within the grid should scale as well.