I am currently working on an BLE app which scans my company beacons , i need to update the values for CBCharacteristic .
I am not getting any error after my write function , but the change does not reflect on BLE device.
I have scanned all CBCharacteristics and then traversing to get particular and calling write function
for (CBCharacteristic* characteristic in beaconCharacteristics)
if ([characteristic.UUID isEqual:[CBUUID UUIDWithString:@"FFF5"]]) {
[characteristic.service.peripheral writeValue:[@"BeaconE" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] forCharacteristic:characteristic type:CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse];
even i get completion delegate method called after writing without an error
-(void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didWriteValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic error:(NSError *)error
Am i missing anything ? Is it due to hex value ?
Please guide me
Thank you !
It could be that the Characteristic is read only. You can find out by looking at the CBCharacteristicProperties object, which you can get to using characteristic.properties
//Check if the Characteristic is writable
if ((characteristic.properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyWrite) ||
(characteristic.properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyWriteWithoutResponse))
//Do your Write here
Below is a simple method that takes a CBCharacteristicProperties object and logs the properties. . .helps with debugging.
-(void)logCharacteristicProperties:(CBCharacteristicProperties)properties {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyBroadcast) {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyRead) {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyWriteWithoutResponse) {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyWrite) {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyNotify) {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyIndicate) {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyAuthenticatedSignedWrites) {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyExtendedProperties) {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyNotifyEncryptionRequired) {
if (properties & CBCharacteristicPropertyIndicateEncryptionRequired) {
Also, you should be checking for Error to see if CoreBluetooth is throwing an error.
//CBPeripheral Delegate
-(void)peripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral didWriteValueForCharacteristic:(CBCharacteristic *)characteristic error:(NSError *)error {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"<error> didWriteValueForCharacteristic %@",[error description]);
// Add Error handling for failed Writes
//Add Handling for successful writes