Search code examples

Scrapy pipeline to export csv file in the right format

I made the improvement according to the suggestion from alexce below. What I need is like the picture below. However each row/line should be one review: with date, rating, review text and link.

I need to let item processor process each review of every page.
Currently TakeFirst() only takes the first review of the page. So 10 pages, I only have 10 lines/rows as in the picture below.

enter image description here

Spider code is below:

import scrapy
from amazon.items import AmazonItem

class AmazonSpider(scrapy.Spider):
   name = "amazon"
   allowed_domains = ['']
   start_urls = [
    ''.format(page) for      page in xrange(1,114)


def parse(self, response):
    for sel in response.xpath('//*[@id="productReviews"]//tr/td[1]'):
        item = AmazonItem()
        item['rating'] = sel.xpath('div/div[2]/span[1]/span/@title').extract()
        item['date'] = sel.xpath('div/div[2]/span[2]/nobr/text()').extract()
        item['review'] = sel.xpath('div/div[6]/text()').extract()
        item['link'] = sel.xpath('div/div[7]/div[2]/div/div[1]/span[3]/a/@href').extract()

        yield item


  • I started from scratch and the following spider should be run with

    scrapy crawl amazon -t csv -o Amazon.csv --loglevel=INFO

    so that opening the CSV-File with a spreadsheet shows for me

    enter image description here

    Hope this helps :-)

    import scrapy
    class AmazonItem(scrapy.Item):
        rating = scrapy.Field()
        date = scrapy.Field()
        review = scrapy.Field()
        link = scrapy.Field()
    class AmazonSpider(scrapy.Spider):
        name = "amazon"
        allowed_domains = ['']
        start_urls = ['' ]
        def parse(self, response):
            for sel in response.xpath('//table[@id="productReviews"]//tr/td/div'):
                item = AmazonItem()
                item['rating'] = sel.xpath('./div/span/span/span/text()').extract()
                item['date'] = sel.xpath('./div/span/nobr/text()').extract()
                item['review'] = sel.xpath('./div[@class="reviewText"]/text()').extract()
                item['link'] = sel.xpath('.//a[contains(.,"Permalink")]/@href').extract()
                yield item
            xpath_Next_Page = './/table[@id="productReviews"]/following::*//span[@class="paging"]/a[contains(.,"Next")]/@href'
            if response.xpath(xpath_Next_Page):
                url_Next_Page = response.xpath(xpath_Next_Page).extract()[0]
                request = scrapy.Request(url_Next_Page, callback=self.parse)
                yield request