converting my Google maps code over to Yandex maps.
I have a function which updates the markers (placemarks) icon on the map.
In google maps i can do:
var newImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage('img/presence/' + marker.state.toLowerCase() + '_map.png');
I cannot find an equivilent method for setIcon in Yandex.
I can set the image at marker creation with:
var marker = new ymaps.Placemark(point, null, {
iconImageHref: 'img/presence/'+state+'_map.png',
iconImageSize: [20, 20],
iconImageOffset: [-10, -20]
Any idea how i can update the icon image?
You can update options of existing placemark (marker):
marker.options.set('iconImageHref', 'img/newImage.png');