I am working in a application in which client send the keywords from the front end for the resume and by using containstable we search column of that table for that keywords and result back to front end.
In my application we were initially saving resume details in text format and after that we start to add in the html form. Now the search functionality is working fine for the older resume text but not getting the expected result in case of Html so what can we do so that containstable search functionality will work for both of them i.e. either for text or html
Oy vey. You've entered the murky world of full-text indexing...it's a rough climb from here, so pack it in my friend. =)
You left out some of the finer details, so before we proceed, I am assuming two things:
The column containing the resume text is a varchar(max) or nvarchar(max)
You have created a full-text index on the table containing said column
Now, down to the nitty-gritty. First let me say I am by no means a SQL Server full-text index expert (is anyone really?)...what I've learned has been by painful trail-and-error, so take this for what it is. That being said, your situation sounds very similar to one I faced earlier this year in that we inherited a system which included a full-text indexed column of the text type (which we migrated to varchar(max)) and this column contained both 'plain' text and html wrapped text. The challenge we faced was that when an end user performed a search, via the front end application, against this full-text index, the query would pick up hits on both the plain text AND the html. So, for example, if the user searched for 'Roman' they may return hits from both the plain text content as well as the the html tags that reference 'Times New Roman'...not the desired behavior.
The bad news is there really is not a straightforward solution that I have found for this. The only possible SQL Server side solution that I am aware of involves converting the data type of the column to varbinary(max), creating a 'companion' column that designates the varbinary(max) column as type 'HTML', and then leveraging the Microsoft iFILTER for HTML...more on that here, and here, and some good general BOL resources here and here.
In the end, we determined this was not the path for us because:
We ended up implementing application side logic that helped clean up the results and that sufficiently met the needs of this particular project.
I don't want to completely discourage you from trying to achieve what you are attempting, but I do want you to at least go into it with open eyes, aware of the challenges...hopefully that will save you some frustration and wasted time!
Please do the community a favor and post back any successes or lessons learned - there is scant enough information on this out there and it would be a great help to others.
Best of luck!