I have to move a lot of xml-Files, named as follow:
in my batch-file, there's this line:
move C:\source\F01*.xml C:\target\F01\
Now I have the problem, that some of the files have a different 8.3-filename, for example
"F030390114545001_901.XML" has the name "F01FCF~1.XML" so this file is also moved in the directory "F01".
The command "fsutil 8dot3name strip" in my case is useless, because the batch is running on a 2003 server.
Is there any type of workaround or alternative commands to solve this problem?
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a:-d "c:\source"^| findstr /i /b "F01"^|findstr /i /e ".xml"') do (
move "%%~fa" "C:\target\F01\"
filtering can be done with a single expression -
findstr /beri "f01.*xml"
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /a:-d "c:\source"^| findstr /beri "f01.*xml"') do (
move "%%~fa" "C:\target\F01\"