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How to get color from slice index?

I implemented corePlot in my xcode project. I know there is a way to fill the pie slices color:

-(CPTFill *)sliceFillForPieChart:(CPTPieChart *)pieChart recordIndex:(NSUInteger)index;

But is there a way to get what color the index's slice is?


enter image description here

If I try getting index's 0 color, it would be blue, etc.


  • Usually you fill out the DataSource function to provide the color, which means you already have the color. For you case, I think you could use this function:

    + (CPTColor *) defaultPieSliceColorForIndex:(NSUInteger) pieSliceIndex

    The doc is here.

    To get the UIColor of CPTColor, simply get the CPTColor's property uiColor. Detailed information is available on Doc.