I noticed that NSScreen's visibleFrame
method isn't subtracting the menu bar dimensions on my non-main screens. Say I have the following code:
DB("Cocoa NSScreen rects:");
NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens];
for(NSUInteger i = 0; i < [screens count]; ++i) {
NSScreen *screen = [screens objectAtIndex:i];
CGRect r = [screen visibleFrame];
const char *suffix = "";
if(screen == [NSScreen mainScreen])
suffix = " (main screen)";
DB(" %lu. (%.2f, %.2f) + (%.2f x %.2f)%s", (unsigned long)i, r.origin.x, r.origin.y, r.size.width, r.size.height, suffix);
I run it on my Mac, which has a menu bar on every monitor. I then get the following output:
Cocoa NSScreen rects:
0. (4.00, 0.00) + (1276.00 x 777.00) (main screen)
1. (3200.00, 9.00) + (1200.00 x 1920.00)
2. (1280.00, 800.00) + (1920.00 x 1200.00)
The size of the menu bar and (hidden) dock appears to have been correctly subtracted from the main screen's visible area - but the menu bars on my external monitors have not been accounted for! (Assuming the menu bar is 23 pixels high on every screen - so I would expect screen 1 to be something like 1200x1897 and screen 2 to be around 1920x1877.)
Aside from wondering how big the screen is - and there you'll just have to trust me, I'm afraid! - what am I doing wrong? How do I get accurate screen bounds?
(OS X Yosemite 10.10.3)
Until the program creates an NSWindow
- which this program, as far as I can tell, never does - the reported screen bounds appear to be inaccurate. So, before the program fetches the screen bounds, it now runs this bit of code:
if(!ever_created_hack_window) {
NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0,0,100,100)
[window release];
window = nil;
ever_created_hack_window = YES;
is just a global BOOL
Once this has been done, I get the screen dimensions I expect:
0. (4.00, 0.00) + (1276.00 x 777.00) (main screen)
1. (3200.00, 9.00) + (1200.00 x 1897.00)
2. (1280.00, 800.00) + (1920.00 x 1177.00)
Additionally, it now correctly picks up changes in main screen.
(This could be stuff that is set up by calling UIApplicationMain
. This program doesn't do that, either.)