Recently i updated my ptokax to 0.5.3 and since then my votekick script has stopped working as in my script takes input from other online users as 1 or 2 as accept or deny the user to be kicked or not but now whenever the user enters 1 or 2 the script has stopped taking input and inserting it in the table i suspects its maybe due to some syntax change . please have a look at my script and suggest .
data = " <Nick> 2" -- this is the way script takes input frm dc chat
s,e,vote= string.find(data,"%b<>%s(.+)")
if vote == "1" then
Core.SendToAll("*--"..user.sNick.." accepts--")
if #votesPlus == votes or # votesMinus == votes then
return true
elseif vote == "2" then
Core.SendToAll("*--"..user.sNick.." denies--")
if #votesPlus == votes or # votesMinus == votes then
return true
-- the user is not voting even when poll active
The NMDC hub protocols define that the chat messages are sent in the following format:
<Nick> the message|
where |
acts as the delimiter.
Apart from that, I don't see any issues with your script. You can, although, optimise performance:
local vote = data:match "%b<>%s(%d)"
-- since you only want a single digit to be matched
-- also, use local variable whenever possible
if vote == "1" then
table.insert(votesPlus, user.sNick)
Core.SendToAll( "*--"..user.sNick.." accepts--" )
if #votesPlus == votes or #votesMinus == votes then
stop( nTimerId )
return true
elseif vote == "2" then
table.insert(votesMinus, user.sNick)
Core.SendToAll( "*--"..user.sNick.." denies--" )
if #votesPlus == votes or #votesMinus == votes then
stop( nTimerId )
return true
-- the user is not voting even when poll active
-- return false so that further scripts might be able to process it
return false
PS: I think you should also check if the same user is voting twice! Also, you can put the following code:
if #votesPlus == votes or #votesMinus == votes then
stop( nTimerId )
in the call to OnTimer