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Custom required attribute with C# & Web API and using private access modifier with validation context

I have the following custom required attribute:

public class RequiredIfAttribute : RequiredAttribute
    private string _DependentProperty;
    private object _TargetValue;

    public RequiredIfAttribute(string dependentProperty, object targetValue)
        this._DependentProperty = dependentProperty;
        this._TargetValue = targetValue;

    protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
        var propertyTestedInfo = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this._DependentProperty);

        if (propertyTestedInfo == null)
            return new ValidationResult(string.Format("{0} needs to be exist in this object.", this._DependentProperty));

        var dependendValue = propertyTestedInfo.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

        if (dependendValue == null)
            return new ValidationResult(string.Format("{0} needs to be populated.", this._DependentProperty));

        if (dependendValue.Equals(this._TargetValue))
            var x = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty("_Mappings");

            var objectInstance = (Dictionary<object, string[]>)x.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            var isRequiredSatisfied = false;

            foreach (var kvp in objectInstance)
                if (kvp.Key.Equals(this._TargetValue))
                    foreach (var field in kvp.Value)
                        var fieldValue = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(field).GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

                        if (fieldValue != null && field.Equals(validationContext.MemberName))
                            isRequiredSatisfied = true;

            if (isRequiredSatisfied)
                return ValidationResult.Success;
                return new ValidationResult(string.Empty);
            // Must be ignored
            return ValidationResult.Success;

What I am trying to achieve with it is that I want to conditionally validate based on a property in a model. It also needs to be generic enough to re-use on more than one model. When a specified property has a specific value (which I specify in the attribute), the custom required validation needs to match on those values. For example in this model:

public class PaymentModel
    public Dictionary<object, string[]> _Mappings 
            var mappings = new Dictionary<object, string[]>();

            mappings.Add(true, new string[] { "StockID" });
            mappings.Add(false, new string[] { "Amount" });

            return mappings;

    public bool IsBooking { get; set; }

    [RequiredIfAttribute("IsBooking", false)]
    public decimal? Amount { get; set; }

    [RequiredIf("IsBooking", true)]
    public int? StockID { get; set; }

    public PaymentModel()


If the IsBooking property is true, then I want StockId to be required, but if it is false, then Amount should be required.

Currently the solution I have works, but it has 2 problems:

  1. There is a dependency on the _Mappings property, which I would like to not have. Does anyone know how I will get around doing it the way I have?
  2. If I have to use the _Mappings property as is, is there any way to use it as a private access modifier? Currently I can only make my solution work if _Mappings is public, because validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty("_Mappings") cannot find private modifiers. (If I want to serialize this model to JSON in a Web API response, then I would ideally not want to send along my validation mappings.)


  • You don't have to use the _Mappings Property, the code below checks if the related Attribute has a value that matches what you specified in the attribute, If there is a match then it checks to see if the Property you are validating has a value.

    protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
        var propertyTestedInfo = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this._DependentProperty);
        if (propertyTestedInfo == null)
            return new ValidationResult(string.Format("{0} needs to be exist in this object.", this._DependentProperty));
        var dependendValue = propertyTestedInfo.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);
        if (dependendValue == null)
            return new ValidationResult(string.Format("{0} needs to be populated.", this._DependentProperty));
        if (dependendValue.Equals(this._TargetValue))
            var fieldValue = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(validationContext.MemberName).GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);
            if (fieldValue != null)
                return ValidationResult.Success;
                return new ValidationResult(string.Format("{0} cannot be null", validationContext.MemberName));
            // Must be ignored
            return ValidationResult.Success;