I'm trying to split a piece of text (actually html) into two pieces, a top and bottom part. An 'identifier' (<--#SPLIT#-->) in the text marks the position to split.
To get the upper part I have the following preg_replace that does work:
$upper = preg_replace('/<--#SPLIT#-->(\s*.*)*/', '', $text);
This leaves me with all the text that comes before '<--#SPLIT#-->'.
To get the lower part I came up with the following preg_replace that does NOT work correctly:
$lower = preg_replace('/(\s*.*)*<--#SPLIT#-->/', '', $text);
This returns an empty string.
How can I fix the second one?
It is better to use:
explode('<--#SPLIT#-->', $text);
Example code:
$text = 'Foo bar<--#SPLIT#-->Baz fez';
$temp = explode('<--#SPLIT#-->', $text);
$upper = $temp[0];
$lower = (count($temp > 1) ? $temp[1] : '');
// $upper == 'Foo bar'
// $lower == 'Baz fez'