I need to know which voip termination service(A-Z International Termination) doesn't care about ACD / ASR .
ACD (Average Call Duration) Means the average duration of the calls routed bya a VoIP provider. It is a quality parameter given by the VoIP providers..
ASR (Answer-Seizure Ratio)
The ratio of successfully connected calls to attempted calls (also called 'Call Completion Rate'). ASRs vary by routes. A typical ASR to Pakistan is lower than that of France. Reasons for this include the quality of the network and the fact that it's less likely that a call to Pakistan will encounter a device such as an answering machine.
For example : my dialer ( Aterisk/ FreeSwitch ) may call minimum of 50 calls per seconds . majority of them can be a missed call.
Many carriers have two routes: Conversational and Dialer.
The dialer routes are intended for higher CPS/CPM and are tolerant of much lower ACD/ASR. Check the individual carrier to see exactly what they allow.
Some that I'm familiar with: