I'm pretty new to TDD and I've been doing some programming prompts from reddit to learn it. This one is an acronym generator that asks for a string to be converted, displays it, and then asks if the user wants to generate another.
My trouble is that I don't know how to write the tests to fill in the prompt and then hit the ok button. Then select the ok or cancel button when asked again.
(function(ns, undefined)
ns.generateAcronym = function()
var s = window.prompt("Enter the words to be converted into an acronym.");
var matches = s.match(/\b(\w)/g);
var acronym = matches.join("").toUpperCase();
if(window.confirm("Your acronym is: "+acronym+". Would you like to generate another?"))
})(window.pprompts = window.pprompts || {});
Alright - I think I figured this out. If anyone has better methods, I'd love to see/read them :)
I realize I could have put all of this into one it
block, but I like seeing the Executed 2 of 2 SUCCESS
over Executed 1 of 1 SUCCESS
describe('Acronym Generator', function() {
spyOn(window, "prompt").and.returnValue("Java Script Object Notation");
spyOn(window, "confirm");
it('should generate a window prompt', function() {
expect(window.prompt).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Enter the words to be converted into an acronym.");
it('should generate a confirm dialog with the proper acronym', function() {
expect(window.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Your acronym is: JSON. Would you like to generate another?");