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Getting Started with UDK

I've been trying for a couple of days now to learn UDK, but I seem to be stuck at making that leap to understanding how everything works together. I understand the syntax, that's all well and good, and I pretty much get how classes and .ini files interact. As for the API, I have the entire reference as pretty decent Doxygen-style HTML output.

What I'm looking for is a sort of intermediate tutorial on game creation from scratch (as opposed to modding UT3 itself), more advanced than just learning language syntax, but not yet to the level of going through the API step by step. I'm looking for some guide to the structure of the internals - how GameInfo and PlayerController interact, where Pawn comes in, etc. - a way to visualize the big picture.

Does anyone have a particular favorite intermediate-level tutorials (or set of tutorials) that they used when first learning UDK?


  • Check out these these were (maybe still are?) the best when I first started. I have then since stopped using UDK due to lack of time but these are really good.