I'm looking for the appropriate and elegant way to create Mediator/Subscriber architecture with typed callbacks.
Let's suppose I have a class with 'events' i.e. delegates:
public class E
public delegate void SomethingHappened (float a, int b);
public delegate void ProgressFinished (int[] c);
Now I want to create a Mediator class that would register callbacks to those delegates and dispatch callbacks with supplied parameters:
public class Mediator
public static void Register ( ???, Action callback)
// supplied delegate += callback
public static void Dispatch ( ???, params object[] list)
// executing supplied delegate with params: delegate(list)
So I could use it the following way:
// Class A:
Mediator.Register (E.SomethingHappened, OnSomethingHappened);
private void OnSomethingHappened (float a, int b)
// Class B:
Mediator.Dispatch (E.SomethingHappened, 0.1f, 'qwe');
Now the problem is that I can't pass delegate as parameter to Register or Dispatch. How do I solve this problem?
You should take a different approach: let your senders dispatch messages, and have your mediator dispatch them to different handlers based on their type.
Using generics, this would be refactored to:
// handlers should be differentiated by message type
public class SomethingHappenedMessage
public float A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }
public class Mediator
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _dict = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
public void Register<Tmessage>(Action<Tmessage> callback)
_dict[typeof(Tmessage)] = callback;
public void Dispatch<Tmessage>(Tmessage msg)
var handler = _dict[typeof(Tmessage)] as Action<Tmessage>;
Or, you might have multiple handlers for each message type:
public class Mediator
readonly Dictionary<Type, List<object>> _handlersByType = new Dictionary<Type, List<object>>();
public void Register<Tmessage>(Action<Tmessage> callback)
List<object> handlers;
if (!_handlersByType.TryGetValue(typeof(Tmessage), out handlers))
_handlersByType[typeof(Tmessage)] = handlers = new List<object>();
public void Dispatch<Tmessage>(Tmessage msg)
List<object> handlers;
if (!_handlersByType.TryGetValue(typeof(Tmessage), out handlers))
foreach (Action<Tmessage> handler in handlers)